Psalm BP

Psalm BP

by T.A. Prewitt

Oh genius what you cost me!

To see into the heavenlies feels

More than just a thorn in the side.

It is to be thrust into the heavens

And then cast down into the pit of hell.

It seems more often I am in the valley

Then  I am on the mountain top.

And lately I have feared evil

for I cannot always see His rod and staff.

I grow weary and sad because

No one will remember the thousands of battles

I came out victorious.

They will only mourn the one I might lose.

And yet the price is steep but the reward is sweet.

Although there are time I dance with the devil

It is Christ I come home too. And it is he

who keeps me and fights my battles.

For there is no place

he  is not with me

And there is nothing that

Separates me from his love.

Oh genius your sweet vision is costly.

Yet I will endure not because of me

But because of Him.


The Little Things


Imago DEI