The Early Story

I am currently working on a project right now to develop something chiastic for the Old and New Testaments. I haven’t quite decided the full approach I want to take yet; however, here are my early notes for a poem on the Old Testament:

The Early Story

Hovering over the waters
Formless, void, dark.
Chaos into order,
Non-life into life
Through breath and word

Seen and chosen.
Delighted in by you.
An impossible promise fulfilled.
A covenant for the world,
Blessing to all nations

Persecuted and enslaved,
Attempting to eradicate blessing.
More powerful than all.
Released from bondage,
Set free for more.

Committed to promise,
In fire dwelling with us
Faithful to the promised land,
Flowing with milk and honey.
An inheritance for all.

I hope this small snippet blesses you, and I pray for the Heavenly Muse to continue to work in and through me!


The Chambered Nautilus


Broken Things